
Flagship Training Programe

What is it?

Strategic Planning 

It is a Staff & Organisation Strategic Momentum Training Programme.

They say "A road that leads nowhere is hard to build"

Learning to first decide the desired outcome, then` strategically implementing workable steps towards that defined goal.

After the successful launch of TTGH, it was quickly apparent that not just Church organisations required such training, but also ambitious organisations and staff.

Soon the demand for a new programe was apparent for those who owned their own business, requiring a better performance track for the staff who exhibited the greatest potential, Especially in the Oil & Gas Industry.

Hence, the TTCH Programe was organically spawned in association with PEJAD Nigeria Limited.

What does it stand for?

T  -  Think

T  -  Time

C -  Creativity

H -   Heart

How does it work?

The programe follows a 4 step Strategic question
and answer guide.

First off, clearly identifying what the problem is - then what solution you desire to achieve.

The questioning uses the technique of prescribed thinking which helps participants document the process of logical solution finding. 

What are the Benefits?

1 - Organisatins have a workable Blue Print which is organic to any project.

2 - Organisations can approach any problem with absolute confidence that a workable solution has first been thought-out.

3 - The Implementation of any solution is fully documented, meaniung a similar problem will be resolved within a quicker response time-frame.

4 - Staff are better equiped to logically become solution minded.

How is it Delivered?

Organisations are encouraged to approach TEJGroup directly to work out a bespoke Delivery Package.

What are the Costs?

Associated costs are worked out on a Daily rate with a minimum of 3 Days in the package.

How can we serve you?
